Monthly Archives: May 2022

Hey, Florida, it’s time to mask up again

Covid trends are not encouraging in the state. Over the last week, Florida has averaged 9,552 new cases. While vaccines have been talked about by public officials (except by Governor DeSantis and his team who abruptly went from pro-vaccine to anti-vaccine, when it was clearly a political advantage to flip), masking remains the most non-obtrusive […]

Everglades after the May brush fires

Two different looks at the Everglades after the early May brush fires.

DeSantis state-based (faux) progressive populism conflicts with his conservative claims, as he sets his cruise-control toward reelection

Ron DeSantis rhetoric and that of those around him would make you believe he’s a movement conservative. But as time goes on, it’s clear his ideology is about as different from pure conservatives (like his predecessor Rick Scott) as are the policy-preferences he espouses. State-based solutions to many matters, make DeSantis and his acolytes attacks […]

VIDEO: Mangroves on the Treasure Coast

This is one of several videos we will release in the next few months from the Treasure Coast.

DeSantis views on guns extreme even by Florida standards

Despite the reputation, which was once well earned, that Florida was an extreme place for guns, the state now is somewhere in the middle nationally on gun regulations. Unlike Texas and New York, where recent mass shootings committed by teenagers took place, in Florida, 18-year olds cannot legally buy firearms. Florida does not have a […]

Does Nikki Fried have a gun problem? YES

Last month, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried sued the Biden Administration about an issue related to guns, citing “freedom” as a leading cause of her position. Now Fried claims she’s for an Assault Weapons Ban: Fried has a history of supporting GOP candidates and pro-gun legislators including former Senate President Joe Negron. Senator Annette Taddeo, […]

Birds, birds, birds chirping everywhere

A recent visit to Wakodahatchee Wetlands yielded a pleasant surprise. Instead of the regular sighting of Alligators and Turtles at the Delray Beach area restored wetland, we got an incredible serenade.

Why are some Florida Democrats coddling Qatar which is a bastion of exploited South Asian labor and LGBTQ+ oppression?

As a South Asian, I have a particular contempt for Qatar. For years the nation-state has been the worst in the Persian Gulf region (and that is saying a lot) for exploiting people who look like me. Despite recent reforms the very least that could be forced by outside pressure, Qatar’s regime still practices what could […]

President Biden comes through for the Everglades with funding for critical Palm Beach County reservoir

President Joe Biden has committed $265 million of federal funding toward construction of a long-awaited and needed reservoir in Palm Beach County. The reservoir will be a critical component to Everglades restoration of the Everglades. The enormous planned reservoir is designed to reduce discharges of polluted water into Florida Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and […]

Marco Rubio continues to humiliate himself and insult Floridians when it comes to guns

Today, Marco Rubio continued his years-long rhetoric on guns, doubling-down on the sort of lunacy he has articulated since his days in State House. Today’s actions were nothing new as Marco Rubio has long stood in the way of legislation to stop gun violence and publicly attacked gun safety measures In the wake of mass […]