Monthly Archives: September 2018

Is the “Brightline effect” poised to change the way we casually travel?

Unveiled to much hullabaloo in southeastern Florida, Brightline has become a sensation. The rail service has wowed customers with higher-speed travel and scintillating service. Now Brightline is looking to change train travel across the nation. Call it the “Brightline effect” Brightline isn’t really for commuters (especially one like me who has a Hybrid and can […]

Talented actor Andrew Gillum excelling in the role of his life

Is he a progressive or a centrist? An environmentalist or pro-development? Is he for universal health care or aligning with the insurance industry? Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for and likely Governor of our state, has been in elected office since the age of 23. Like most politicians he’s flipped and flopped on […]

A vote for Rick Scott is a vote AGAINST Florida’s interests – Why Bill Nelson MUST be reelected

Florida has undergone a metamorphosis politically since the mid 1990’s. Republicans, most of whom have little reverence, knowledge or curiosity about the state’s history have taken charge dominating all levels of state government and influencing national elections as well. During this period of time the GOP has developed a lock step mentality which has put […]

Irma a year later: Assessing the rubble of Florida’s disaster and preventing failure again

A year ago, the entirety of peninsular Florida was impacted by a storm named Irma. Powerful as it had been when it impacted the Leeward Islands and other parts of the Caribbean, a slight wobble which took into northern Cuba significantly took away its bite as it approached Florida. Peninsular Florida also had the added […]

From Rising Star to Failed Prospect: How it All Went Wrong for Gwen Graham

By Steen Kirby From the minute she announced her campaign for Governor in May 2017, up until the polls closed on August 28th, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham of Tallahassee was seen as the favorite for the Democratic nomination, but as soon as the election day totals started to roll in it all came crumbling down […]

Recalling “Murder at Matecumbe” the Labor Day weekend tragedy in the Keys

The National Hurricane Center in 2014 reclassified the 1935 Keys Labor Day Storm, one of the greatest tragedies in Florida’s History as the strongest storm to ever hit the US mainland. The storm hit 83 years ago today on September 2, 1935. One of the great tragedies of the Labor Day storm was the death of hundreds of […]

Progressives might just win the Governorship while losing the movement’s soul in the process

Editors Note: A full appendix of links related to this article and Mayor Gillum can be found at the conclusion of the article.  Florida progressives celebrated loudly Tuesday night with Mayor Andrew Gillum’s nomination for Governor. The late spending on behalf of Gillum by several independent groups that refer to themselves as progressives was the […]