Monthly Archives: June 2017

Flashback Friday: 250 years since War of Jenkins Ear and remembering the heroic free blacks at Fort Mose

In July 1742, decisive battles between the Spanish and British took place in and around St Simons Island, Georgia. It was the culmination of a conflict which began when the British invaded Florida, partly because of the number of runaway slaves that had come to the Spanish colonies. In the late 1600’s Spain began offering […]

Southwest ends Fort Lauderdale to Varadero and Santa Clara service

The continued pullback from Cuba by US carriers is no surprise – Southwest Airlines who I’ve speculated for months would pull some Cuba flights has announced today that it will discontinue flights from Fort Lauderdale to the secondary cities of Varadero and Santa Clara in the fall. The complete withdrawal of Southwest from these routes […]

Fort Lauderdale Strikers: Looking forward and reflecting on why viable ownership bids were rejected by NASL?

Last week’s transfer via public auction of the Fort Lauderdale Strikers copyright and brand to St Petersburg magnate Bill Edwards hasn’t sat well with some Strikers fans. But the club which has been controlled previously by owners from Brazil now is for the first time in its post mid 1990’s history in the hands of […]

Trump crony Doug Manchester role in voter suppression by San Diego Democrats is an embarrassment to the #restorethevote campaign

The idea of Democrats siding with developers over the voters is nothing new in Florida or California. But in this era of Trump, it’s still surprising to see some Democrats play ball with his close associates. Doug Manchester needs no introduction to most people – he has a stranglehold over much of San Diego from […]

Identity politics, radical secularism, economic messaging and its impact on key congressional districts (Part II)

Part I is here Democrats are quite possibly on the brink of no longer being a national party. Outside of big cities and heavily urbanized elections the party’s struggles in 2016 were its greatest up and down the ballot since the 1952 election when a popular Dwight Eisenhower topped the GOP ticket and the unpopularity […]

Identity politics, radical secularism, economic messaging and its impact on key congressional districts (Part I)

The Democrats are hoping to win back  both houses of Congress in 2018 – this cannot be done without holding certain key seats in the industrial Midwest, the heartland and here in the southeast. Jon Ossoff’s loss in GA-6 on Tuesday despite exorbitant spending by the Democratic Party and allied groups as well as the […]

Florida demographic shifts favor the Democrats, correct? Maybe not…

Editor’s Note: In wake of this week’s double electoral defeats for Democrats in nearby locales, we are re-running this piece which got fewer page views than most of our articles from April 2017. It makes an important point about a convenient narrative for the Democrats and media related to Florida’s future electoral politics.    We’ve […]

Flashback Friday: 1974 US Senate Race

Republican US Senator Ed Gurney elected in a 1968 upset over Leroy Collins was the first GOP US Senator elected from Florida since Reconstruction a hundred years earlier. This is one Gurney proved to be a disgrace to the state and one of many single-term statewide elected GOP officeholders of the period between 1966 and […]

A tale of two southern seats and more Democratic failure

Last night, the Democrats lost special elections to fill the seats of Rep. Tom Price (R-Georgia) and Mick Mulvaney (R-South Carolina) both of whom were appointed to the Trump cabinet. Democrats with their usual biases dove head first into the Price seat (GA-6) when it became open in February funneling upwards of $25 million towards […]

Trump’s infrastructure plans a massive letdown for Florida and the nation

President Trump has rightly pointed out that America’s crumbling infrastructure needs a revitalization. For anyone who has traveled abroad in recent years you’ll note the train stations, the airports the superhighways, the bridges of the western world, the gulf states and even some developing nations put the US to shame. Trump said all of the […]