Monthly Archives: February 2018

From Columbine to Stoneman Douglas: what have we learned?

By Dr. Rachel Pienta For the past ten days, like so many Americans, I have been immersed in the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting. I have worked in schools all of my professional life – as a teacher, professor, and parent volunteer. I was in graduate school, teaching future teachers, when the Columbine shooting […]

In the wake of the MSDHS shooting we must remain angry but listen to one another

I’ve waited ten days to comment on this website about the school shooting because unlike other school shootings or tragedies or terrorist events, this one not only happened in my nation (San Bernandino, Columbine, Sandy Hook, etc), my state (Pulse) or my county (FLL shooting) but happened in my backyard, just literally around the corner […]