Monthly Archives: July 2018

Coded Antisemitism growing within the Democratic Party

While the Democratic Party has wrapped itself around identity politics for the purposes of building a coalition in elections and perhaps out of a desire to avoid meaningful dialogue on larger issues that actually impact minority communities, a dangerous drift toward coded antisemitism appears to be underway.  Take for example a recent Orlando Weekly cover […]

Find Your Perfect Beach: A Tale of Poor Planning for Customary Use on 30A

  By now, you have heard people grumbling about Rick Scott signing the Private Beach Anti-Customary Use Law (HB631) this year. The new law has opened a can of worms that may take years to sort out. It has also laid bare some of the state’s most inept leaders and corrupt political missteps to finally […]

Democrats cheering on Ron DeSantis should be careful what they wish for

In the past few weeks, I have heard from more than a handful of Democrats who haven’t learned a powerful past lesson of Republican primaries in Florida – cheering on the most extreme right-wing candidate for an office and hoping to face them in November has often meant that candidate wins the office outright. But […]

Miami Freedom Park and the fight over remaining south Florida greenspace

The fight over the potential conversion of Melreese Country Club a municipal golf course near the Miami International Airport Metrorail/TriRail station into Miami Freedom Park including an office park, retail and soccer stadium has heated up. At issue is the little remaining green space in a city that has become a world class international hub […]

Nominate a centrist (Diet Republican) or Democrats will lose! Wait haven’t we been sold that **** before?

The party establishment is at it once again. Playing the game of fear to promote the idea of centrist, corporate-type candidates as the Democratic statewide torch-bearers in November.  The only way to stop Trump-styled fascism in this state is to nominate centrists who are from outside southern Florida and who can appeal to “swing voters.” […]

Will Trump’s bombastic barbs toward Canada hurt Florida?

President Trump’s insistence on a war of words and deeds with Canada, our neighbor to the north has created a political theater that is consuming both sides of the border. But the stakes for us in Florida might be even higher than that for much of the rest of this nation. Florida is heavily dependent […]