Author Archives: Brook Hines

Lefty Lounge with Brook Hines – Premier episode Kartik Krishnaiyer on Afghanistan and Ron DeSantis

Kartik Krishnaiyer joins Brook Hines to discuss the media’s war fever in the wake of President Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal. Also discussed is Kartik’s view as to why Ron DeSantis’ COVID-19 handling and creeping authoritarianism makes him most dangerous elected official of his lifetime.

Privatizing pandemic data? Bizarre no-bid contract raises questions

I’d say the goal here isn’t only to “politicize” the data—what they’re doing is monetizing it.

Video supports narrative that Seth Rich leaked DNC emails

This video which was recorded soon after the 2016 election, supports Ed Butowsky’s claim that Ellen Ratner visited Julian Assange. In the video Ratner says she visited Assange and he alleged that Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails. This video supports Butowsky’s claims in his lawsuit where I wrote about here. It’s one thing to […]

BOMBSHELL: Lawsuit alleges Seth Rich leaked emails to Wikileaks

As Mueller sputters, the fight for the narrative has spilled over into the legal system, with a series of lawsuits and countersuits alleging alternatively either defamation of Seth Rich by those who suggest the emails were leaked, or defamation of people making that claim by those who insist the emails were hacked.

Alleged SETH RICH conspiracy source is UFO/cataclysm website that warns of ‘Nordic aliens invading Texas’

Intellectual fraud has been the hallmark of Russiagate since Hillary Clinton first blamed Russia for her loss to Donald Trump. Wild claims are frequently (and quietly) walked back, while the next cycle of wild claims demands our attention. What started out as a salacious tale of Russian spies stealing an election and then running the […]

How elections are rigged in Florida and elsewhere

Much has been written about the subject by serious political scientists who are deeply concerned about the security of our elections—but the mainstream media and leadership of both political parties seem deathly allergic to examining the problem.

Sunday 7pm ET on PNN: The Florida Squeeze team breaks down the election

Sunday, 7pm on Progressive News Network we review Florida’s election, its miscounts and recounts, and take a look at the road ahead for Amendment 4 implementation. This week Brook Hines runs the show joined by Kartik Krishnaiyer and Dave Trotter from The Florida Squeeze. Dave’s election models published on the Squeeze provided the ONLY accurate […]

New independent organization analyzing vote in Broward’s CD-23

This morning I spoke to Daniel Wolf, CEO of the non-partisan, non-profit organization Democracy Counts about its work in Broward’s Congressional District 23 (Debbie Wasserman Schultz). This analysis by Democracy Counts is independent of the state recounts for the Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum campaigns. Democracy Counts was contacted by the Tim Canova campaign to observe […]

Ahead of Hurricane Michael, State Rep Amy Mercado calls for extension of voter registration period

“Gov. Scott should extend the voter registration deadline to October 16” Today, Representative Amy Mercado released the following statement: “We should be making it easier for people to vote, not harder. Gov. Scott should extend the voter registration deadline to October 16 and allow everyone in the path of the hurricane to be able to […]

Kavanaugh and Trump’s legitimacy problem

If American Democracy were a car, the concept of legitimacy would be the fuel that makes it go. A system without legitimacy gets stranded. Since election night 2016 many have opined about Trump’s ‘crisis of legitimacy,’ but the Kavanaugh confirmation has for the first time exposed a credible legitimacy battle that the Trump Administration will […]