Category Foreign Policy

If you want a left domestic agenda, you must confront foreign policy reactionaries

During the Cold War , unions understood they had to be on the front lines of the fight against communism, because otherwise a left economic agenda could be easily undermined. The anti-communism of the union movement allowed the Democrats to pursue left-leaning economic goals and empowerment legislation without being labeled by the general public as […]

Former Allies Ditch America: Realpolitik

As former allies shift allegiances, flows of commerce dissolve and inflation continues, an overview of geopolitics can offer some perspective. A post-Cold War era of globalization and prosperity is being replaced by fragmentation and more fluid alliances.   The US, Europe, China, Russia, India and the Middle East represent the commanding heights of the new multipolar […]

Will America awaken to the growing threat from India?

With the Florida GOP scandals, war in the Middle East and the clownish behavior of Donald J. Trump it might have flown under the radar, but India has been accused of something unbecoming of a liberal democracy. India feels it can do what it wants, where it wants to stifle domestic opposition – including on […]

The Democratic Party, the left and the War in the Middle East

The war in the Middle East is threatening to tear the Democratic Party apart. I tried to sit out this discussion as long as possible, but it isn’t going away. Where I stand is unimportant as I find both sides increasingly myopic, but my concern is something that has no impact on the tangible everyday […]

A Gaza peace proposal

A great tragedy initiated by Hamas is under way in the Gaza Strip.  Every innocent life is precious and there is a genuine concern about the women and children caught up in prosecuting the Gaza-based Hamas militants.    The good news is, Hamas has choices.  If they committed to releasing the hostages, Israel would likely […]

India’s Modi should not be welcomed to the US – but is going to be received with open arms

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will arrive in the United States this week for a state visit, hosted by President Biden and then the next day he will address a joint-session of Congress. No question this is happening because of India’s strategic and economic importance. But by embracing Modi, the US potentially undermines its moral […]

Red Fever Pitch – a China reset

Fear sells.  Fear is selling on both sides of the partisan divide and both sides of the Pacific.   U.S. national security officials seeking enhanced weapons systems, media outlets seeking ratings and elected officials seeking popularity are all in on the hustle. While this is standard operating procedure in the nation’s capital, the U.S. may be […]

Russian neocolonialism, propaganda, Florida and the US

DOJ Indictments in Russian scheme to use US citizens (in Florida) as agents I get that people will question my motivation for using a photo of two gentlemen at a Trump rally from 2016 to illustrate a piece about Russian imperialism/colonialism. It’s not the gentlemen, it’s the message. I’d go back to the debate between […]

Remember Bob Graham’s Iraq War views? They were positively enlightened…

This past few weeks, the media has spent a lot of time discussing the Iraq War, which began 20 years ago this month. While the war was very popular at the time, it’s become an issue since that first defined Democrats in the 2007 to 2012 period and since 2015 or so the GOP, who […]

DeSantis declares Ukraine’s “territorial dispute” is not in the “vital interest” of the US – It is beyond dangerous rhetoric

Despite World War I and World War II both starting in Eastern Europe (The Balkans for WWI, Poland for WW II), Governor Ron DeSantis declared on Monday night via Tucker Carlson, that Ukraine is not in the “vital interest” of the US, as he described it. The Florida Governor has also described the ongoing war […]