Tag Archives: Nan Rich

In the governor’s race, where are some Florida progressives?

With the Florida Democratic Primary for Governor only a few months away, many prominent progressives have been quiet regarding the primary. While many Democrats have different reasons for getting involved in the primary process, some who would naturally be supporting a progressive candidate and not a long-time Republican officeholder have been strangely silent. Democrats have […]

Trotter’s Take: Rick Scott solidifies base, Crist falters in latest PPP poll.

If there is one message we can take away from the latest Public Policy Poll, it is that the phenomenon known as Charlie-mania is now over. Even though Charlie Crist had a 12-point lead in May 2013, the race between the former governor and the current governor, Rick Scott, is now neck and neck. This […]

Charlie’s heart, Charlie’s stomach

The following column was submitted by a Democratic staffer working in South Florida who wishes to remain anonymous.  __ Everything That’s Wrong With the Gubernatorial Primary in One Picture It’s been two weeks since I heard U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings address this picture at a meeting of the Pompano Beach Democratic Club, and yet I […]

Bill Nelson for Governor? Impact on Charlie Crist, progressives and whether a run is wise.

Florida is alive with speculation that 71-year-old US Senator Bill Nelson who has been very critical of Rick Scott will jump into the Governor’s Race thus potentially saving the Democrats from a messy primary process and/or the possible nomination of former Governor Charlie Crist. Nelson’s unwillingness to definitively rule out a race for Governor has fueled […]

A Bill Nelson for Governor potpourri

According to national media reports, Senator Bill Nelson is considering a run for governor. Florida papers have been hounding him and editorializing about it since at least April. And of course the source above, MSNBC’s Hardball, has built its reputation such as it is by living every day like it’s silly season. But this newest round of speculation […]

Poll: Is Nan Rich a viable candidate?

Tampa Bay Times political editor Adam Smith wrote this afternoon that former Sen. Nan Rich “barely passes the threshold of viability,” citing her limited fundraising efforts. Smith notes that though the primary is still ten months out, she has raised less in her statewide race than St. Pete Mayor-elect Rick Kriseman raised for a municipal campaign. […]

Could Charlie Crist’s Populism help revive an impotent Florida Democratic Party?

The subject of Charlie Crist looms like the elephant in the room on both the Republican and Democratic sides of the proverbial aisle. Crist irritates the Republicans because they fear his popularity and teflon image. Crist enrages progressive Democrats (like myself) because he’s not only a party-switcher but was once a partisan “Ronald Reagan” Conservative. […]

Podcast: Charlie Crist Announces and Election Night 2013

On this edition of the Florida Squeeze podcast Kartik Krishnaiyer, Steven Kurlander, Ryan Ray and Justin Snyder discuss a potpourri of topics including: Charlie Crist’s announcement of his candidacy for Governor. What is the future of Nan Rich’s campaign? Will moderate Republicans abandon Rick Scott? Mayor Bill Foster ousted in St Petersburg by Rick Kriseman. […]