Florida Squeeze Pod: FDP President says poor (white) folks don’t vote issues

You’ve read the articles, now hear the Squeeze Pod.

Kartik and Brook discuss the deeper issues implied by a campaign season set to ignore issues that matter to voters.

Is the problem simply one bad facts and bad reasoning? Or, are there more pernicious reasons for party elites to eschew issue that move the base? Does fundraising play a role? And what’s up with depending on identity politics to the exclusion of all else?

Listen in below for answers.


New Miami Times: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/florida-democratic-party-president-poor-voters-dont-care-about-issues-vote-based-on-emotions-9358887

TFS Story #1: Florida Democratic Party President: Poor people don’t care about “issues” and vote based on emotions: https://thefloridasqueeze.com/2017/05/19/florida-democratic-party-president-poor-people-dont-care-about-issues-and-vote-based-on-emotions/

TFS Story #2: Democrats elitism and obsession with identity could kill the party’s chances for revival. https://thefloridasqueeze.com/2017/05/20/the-democrats-elitism-and-obsession-with-identity-could-kill-the-partys-chances-for-revival/


  1. Agree- Lack of class awareness by Democrats is stunning. Listen to Johnny Cash..really listen. Liberals like his music but do they listen? They make fun of religious people.
    Palmieri & Podesta e-mails about religious people were upsetting. Dems need to address.

    Way too many stereotypes about voters. Can’t discount “The Villages” effect.
    Personal advancement & ego democrats of SE FL are not Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Polk.

    Statement that poor people voting emotions not issues is ridiculous. Union members may not be rich, but we are issue voters. As an interviewer of candidates I was shocked that a Dem potential county commissioner did not understand why he was asked about hiring unions for county building projects. New DEM candidates do not understand unions.

    This Idaho officer– SBB–could we not find a Latino, African-American, Native American –for goodness sake–A FLORIDIAN! from the states’ 9 millions dems? A Puerto Rican democrat from I-4? So tone deaf my party. I have not missed a primary or general in 25 years and find this retreat to identity politics underestimates the intellect of voters.

    All DEMS I know vote on PLATFORM–that is why we are democrats…New Deal values.
    Need more connection with unions. Not identity, but human rights.
    It IS insulting to focus on identity not platforms of equality, equity and fairness. Read Molly Worthen–“Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism” to understand, not ridicule these voters.

    “Resistance”–a Star Wars meme–seems trite and hipstery.

    Let’s play attention to Central,Latin America. Extend refugee status to people from Haiti
    Show up at Union meetings DEMS.

    Listen to Johnny Cash–SPIRITUAL– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7_kpLa3fyI

    PS-DEMS, please stop taking huge speaking fees from financial organizations.


  2. My take on Sally Brown’s words are that she told this small progressive audience in Broward that she wants to get more non-voters to the polls. Issues voters already vote. Non-voters aren’t issue driven, but they can be emotionally motivated to vote.
    It’s an hour and twenty minute session, but watch it if you want to know what she thinks (vs. the person who wrote his opinion about her).


  3. Don’t rush a critique on Sally Brown’s take on po white voters…consider the words, because that’s all she has and it’s all that her audience is going to get. “Emotional beings”…clods, hicks, dweebs, or just stupid…certainly not at the same mindset as the DNC, or its lawyers, the best and the brightest of the village. After all, the clarity of Bruce Spiva’s dismissal argument in the class action suit against the DNC speaks to the transparency of of the platform and delivery of concepts to the voter. Words…Mr. Spiva allowed that the Democrats say what is convenient, but hold themselves unaccountable for consequences. Words, cause words is all they have in exchange for your vote…words. Course, it depends on what I mean by is…to borrow a phrase.
