How does the FEA Endorsement of Crist Impact Legislative Races and Behavior?

When the Florida Education Association (FEA) endorsed Charlie Crist for Governor a few weeks ago despite his checkered record on public education issues, many liberals lamented how this impacted his primary opposition Senator Nan Rich who has a  positive record on public schools and education. I however had viewed the FEA endorsement of Crist as a formality and didn’t find it as out of left-field as the “co-endorsement” of Crist and public education champion Kendrick Meek had been in the 2010 US Senate race. Meek unlike Rich had been most strongly identified with issues of public education during his time as a State Legislator (1994 to 2002) and emerged as perhaps the most effective statewide leader against vouchers and for class size limits. Rich’s record on education is excellent but she was not quite the rock star on those issues that Meek had been.

But in recent days another issue has sprung up in my mind. Given Governor Crist’s spotty record on issues related to public education, and the lack of a co-endorsement for Senator Rich whose record on these issues is undoubtedly better, does FEA’s endorsement undermine the ability of the organization to advocate for pro-public education legislation with lawmakers who might be moderately inclined Democrats?

One case in particular could be instructive. We’ve discussed Senator Darren Soto’s (D-Orlando) final day of session vote to pass the largest single expansion of private school vouchers in our state’s history. This expansion is larger than a previous expansion (then the largest in the state’s history) that was ironically signed into law by Governor Crist in 2010 even as he was in the process of leaving the Republican Party. Crist has backed and signed a corporate private school tax credit measure of similar consequence in 2008. That measure’s biggest single legislative proponent was then Speaker of the House Marco Rubio.

Soto is now being targeted by the FEA and other public school advocates in his Senate reelection though as of today no opposition has arisen in a potential Democratic Primary. Many rightly want to demonstrate to Soto and others that might be tempted to defect from a pro-public education position in the future  that they will face consequences for their actions. But I fear that the Crist endorsement may make it more difficult for those who support public education including the FEA to force lawmakers to stay in line for the future.

As for Crist, his views on school “choice” are still not completely clear. In November, Jon East, a former St Petersburg Times reporter who now works with Step up for Students speculated in late 2013 that Crist still supported vouchers. While I dismissed this as wishful thinking by East at the time, Crist’s continued public embrace of Jeb Bush and his unwillingness to strongly speak out against the legislature’s voucher plans has since given me pause on this matter.

Should Soto dodge a primary that factor combined with the Crist endorsement could serve to weaken public school advocacy and demonstrate to legislators that consequences may not exist for bad votes on educational “choice” and other matters of concern to public schools.

Let us hope these two instances do not tempt legislators to stray from the pro-public education line in the 2015 Legislative Session. Obviously, we are a long way from a conclusive determination on this but concerns about its impact are beginning to populate my thoughts.


  1. Andrea · ·

    Maybe that is why Christ will not debate Rich.


  2. Spot on!


  3. I’ll never take an FEA endorsement seriously again. Why would anyone?


  4. If teachers fall for this….they will get what they deserve, vouchers , for-profit charter schools, and in their classrooms…only the kids that charter and private schools won’t accept. The district that serves New Orleans just completely got rid of public schools for next year. All schools will be charter where the owners can do as they wish, with no protections for teachers or student rights. We could be headed that way…..


  5. Cheryl · ·

    The hypocrisy is galling. One wrong step on vouchers if you are a Democrat in the legislature and you get a primary. But for Charlie who has never actually opposed the private school industry in his entire public career he gets the endorsement and the support and arm-twisting in his favor.


  6. PublicEd · ·

    It always Democrats to vote for vouchers and charters. By doing this we are simply having our public school system be sabotaged by the very same group the promised to defend it. I will not give any money to any Democrat that votes for charters or vouchers. The state party will no longer get a penny from me. Time to write my check to Nan.


  7. I support Charlie and want to win this election badly. But I do think the teachers union is very disingenuous in openly backing Charlie. His record on their issues is very poor and it does create a potential problem for them in the future with legislators as you argue.

    I had also forgotten that the signing of of the big voucher bill came right as he was vetoing the teacher tenure and abortion pills and was preparing to run as an independent.

    I have not seen discussion of that anywhere else but the date April 23 was just days before he left the Republican Party.

    In other words he has never flipped on his support of vouchers even when he was posturing on abortion and on teacher tenure.


    1. Think! · ·

      Right he tried to play both sides on that vetoing a teacher tenure bill and signing a voucher bill and then see where it left him as an independent.

      No convictions no courage, nothing.


  8. Yellow Dog Democrat · ·

    Gov Charlie Crist’s all important veto of the horrendous and infamous Senate Bill 6 which was a top priority in its passage of the entire Florida Republican Party and all its allies and the number one issue of the FEA and Florida public school teachers statewide in the last decade in it’s veto, combined with the fact that two of Charlie’s sisters are long time career Florida public school teachers is what earned him the respect and endorsement of the Florida Education Association…and was one of the many “beginning of the end” of his lockstep following and ire of the Republican Party and it’s draconian hatred of public school teachers and public education.

    This is what scares me the most from the liberal-progressives like Democratic Progressive Caucus President and Nan Rich supporter Susan Smith who never misses a beat to trash Charlie Crist and by her comments her now trash the Florida Education Association.

    I would have been very, very easy for Gov Crist to sign SB 6 into law or let it become law without his signature and it would have earned him untold millions in additional campaign cash and back slapping Republican support.

    But he didn’t.

    So where are all you Nan Rich supporters going to be the day after the primary is over and Charlie Crist is the Democratic nominee and Rick Scott is the enemy?

    Yes that especially means you Susan Smith and your Democratic Party Progressive Caucus?


    1. Think! · ·

      He only vetoed that bill because he was losing to Marco Rubio by 40 points in the primary. He had previously supported every teacher tenure measure that came his way.

      Trust me I am a Republican and I know!


    2. As a volunteer, I’ll be wherever I choose to be, as will other members of our caucus. We will not be threatened, demeaned or blamed for the results of this election because some Democrats decided to hand their party over to special interests.


      1. Disgusted! · ·

        People like yellow dog Democrat who personally attack a volunteer like Susan Smith are should be thrown out of the party themselves. But unfortunately bashing volunteers and those who give their time is the MO of the Florida Democratic Party. That is the behavior of a bunch of losers!


      2. Yellow Dog Democrat · ·

        Susan, Nobody is ” threatening, demeaning or blaming (you) for the results of this election”…(what ever that means). You and your Progressive and GLBT Caucuses were the biggest supporters current FDP Chair Allison Tant over your own hometown candidate Alan Clendenin who promised real change and you must be in shock now that your gal Tant is a huge open supporter of Charlie Crist and to ad insult to injury dumped on your gal Nan Rich by refusing to give Nan even a 3 minute spot at the big annual Democratic Party JJ dinner when at the time Nan was the only Democratic candidate running for Governor.

        Yes, the icing on the cake has to be that your gal Tant has done an absolutely miserable job of raising money (the worst in the history of the party) and miserable candidate recruitment (again with no money to back up any Democratic candidates) and instead of cleaning out the deadwood in Scott Arceneau and Christian Ulvert and their long gravy train of loosing Democratic consultants and getting some new blood…all we have to show for your efforts is the same old mess at the FDP…courtesy of your Liberal-Progressive-GLBT Caucuses…and of course more losses.

        And still no commitment from you to back and support the winner of the Democratic Primary for Governor should it be Charlie Crist.

        And Democrats wonder why we keep loosing!


    3. That’s it, I’ve had it. Yellow Dog Democrat who the hell do you think you are to insult and try to intimidate Susan Smith, Nan Rich supporters or anyone else in the Progressive Caucus. It’s people like you who give the party a bad name. Your neanderthal tactics will not win you any points. To answer your question, if Crist wins the primary I will be anywhere but behind him. He does not represent my principles. I will be supporting my true Democrat local candidates, not some flip flopping opportunist that stands for nothing but.

      Crist and you represent everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party today. You don’t even have the courage to come into the light, you hide behind a pseudonym. Why don’t you reveal who you are and at least put up and honest argument. I, Wendy Sejour, am not afraid to fight my battles publicly as I am proud of who I am, and my progressive values.


      1. Yellow Dog Democrat · ·

        Dear Wendy, What do Democratic elected office holders Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner, Pinellas County Commission Chairman Ken Welch, State Representative and Democratic Minority Leader Darryl Rouson, State Representative Carl Zimmermann and Pinellas County Democratic Executive Committee Chairman Mark Hanisee all have in common…THEY WERE ALL FORMERLY REGISTERED REPUBLICANS!!

        And your answer and defense of Susan Smith and her Democratic Progressive Caucus’s response that you WILL NOT support Gov Charlie Crist should he become the Democratic nominee proves several things…by default you and Susan would rather re-elect the worst Tea Party Governor in the history of Florida in Rick Scott, Susan and her State Democratic Progressive Caucus Charter should be revoked by the Florida Democratic Party and finally and most importantly you have proven by your comments my final most important point…”this is exactly why Democrats loose elections”!!!


  9. Think! · ·

    It is hilarious to watch the Democrats warm over Crist!

    You are getting what you asked for. It disloyal duplicitous lying swiveling classic corrupt politician.

    All these left-wing groups running behind Crist. Even the women’s groups have attended a female candidate in order to back him.

    This shows how totally absent of leadership and character the democrats are.


  10. Yellow Dog Democrat · ·

    Mr Think!… Since you admit to being a Republican you must be very proud of your shining Tea Party nuts in Gov Scott and Pam Bondi. that you worked so hard to elect..your two mental giants have turned Florida into the laughing stock of the United States!.

    Your Tea Party bald eagle of a Governor and his side kick Bondi are the epitome of “absent of leadership and character” as you sad in your previous comment.


  11. I don’t think repercussions really exist for Dem legislators anymore. I know this blog has tried to force Ds to hold strong on vouchers but it was probably more out of conviction than anything else.

    The teachers unions decision to shill for Crist has no doubt damaged the groups brand with progressives and other unions.


  12. The FEA union lost all credibility with me when this endorsement was made. Sorry they did. I certainly hope the AFL-CIO does not follow suit this weekend.


  13. The comments about the Supreme Court are hilarious because the two worst Supreme Court justices currently sitting were both applied by Charlie Crist!

    Polston and Canady are both right wingers!


  14. #avoteforrichisavoteforscott · ·

    Anyone who supports Nan Rich is working consciously or subconsciously with the Republicans.

    Right here on this very site we have someone in Ryan who’s worked very closely with the party and understands the need to support Charlie Crist.

    But we also have Kartik who has fostered a relationship with the malcontents in the party and tries to hurt the party by talking about Crist’s record and digging up old votes.

    Who Cares!!!!! He is a Democrat now and a better Democrat than a lot of the legislators whom he is associated with.

    Go look at the chamber and associated industries voting records for this year. You will see multiple Democrats scoring higher than Charlie Crist would ever score. Some of these Democrats are very friendly with the owner of this website.

    Then we have Justin a perpetual troublemaker who is constantly posting negative things about the party and about democrats in general. Justin hates Obama.

    One must assume based on the fact that we see less of Ryan’s posts and more of Justin and Kartik and now this new girl that Ryan because of his responsible pro party and Cristattitude has been shut out.

    We would be happy to start a new blog with him as the anchor if he is interested.


    1. Gordon Gecko · ·

      Stupendous thought.

      I think having a blog that tells the official line of the party towards candidates and towards fellow Democrats who oppose them is great.

      That way we know where to get the propaganda the official talk sheet. And that way maybe some of the trolls will stay off ; it will give us the opportunity to have the kind of discussions this website should be about.


    2. Gordon Gecko · ·

      This will be an outstanding’s website for those DEC members in counties who require the party to do their thinking for them.

      For the rest of us we will continue to patron this site and its independent analysis.


  15. Disgusted! · ·

    It’s a total disgrace paid political consultants and paid political operatives are forcing a candidate who is a Republican and was a conservative Republican at one point down the throats of activists; who volunteer their time and spend their own money and resources to promote democratic and progressive causes.


  16. Enough! · ·

    The FEA controls the FDP.

    The FEA and the FDP want Crist.

    Game up.

    Crist anointed the nominee and Scott reelected comfortably.

    It is all in the cards and it is not the joker.


  17. The Hornets Nest · ·

    Ultimately Charlie Crist will be nominated. I am supporting him. But I am simply a Democratic voter not someone who is connected with an organization that advocates specific issues. If I led an organization that had advocated progressive ideals I do not know how I could get my organization to support Charlie Crist while placating my members.

    I am supporting Crist because of no other alternative. Nan Rich cannot be Governor. She is not the leadership type.

    Buddy Dyer or Alex Sink should have run.


  18. #avoteforrichisavoteforscott · ·

    Ryan you are too good a man to write for this blog join us in our new effort.

    We know you are with us and not with the malcontents this blog has cultivated.

    The owner of this site has cultivated disaffected elected officials instead of cultivating those that actually lead the party and the party staff. He has sided with the selfish members of the legislature many whom do not vote like real Democrats against his own party.

    This site has become the go to home for progressives in the state. This is why we are going to start a counterforce so that people will have another option to get the real progressive story the real democratic story not filtered by this website with its biases.


    1. Obamacrat · ·

      I am excited about the prospect of a new site.

      This site has done nothing positive for the party.

      The angry activists that have been cultivated by the squeeze are people with no skin in the game with our party.

      These activists jump up-and-down and always complain about what is going on with the party using this site as one of the vehicles to get the word out yet they have nothing.

      Party staff and consultants are constantly insulted on here by activists and by the blog itself. Kartik either apologizes to those staffers and operatives that live breathe and sleep democratic politics or a movement will follow #avoteforrichisavoteforscott to the new website!

      People should follow the twitter not squeezed.


  19. To the moderator, it has become obvious that party operatives and consultants that are hiding behind pseudonyms are not willing to engage in honest discussion of the party, issues and the candidates. They are only interested in the sound of their own rhetoric and denigrating anyone who dares to have a different opinion or does not blindly follow the party. I respectfully suggest that you change the comments section to require the use of real names so no one can hide behind an anonymous handle and use it for partisan and personal attacks.


  20. I believe the original topic was how does FEA enforce conformity on their issues when they’ve endorsed Charlie Crist?

    To me this would tempt Democratic legislators who may be thinking about voting for a voucher bill or even something as radical as reforming other issues related to teachers. This would also tempt Republican lawmakers who maybe voted against the teachers time and again the crossover on a single issue and think you’ll get endorsed. So it could work both ways.

    The precedent is really remarkable when you think about it.


  21. Concerned Democrat · ·

    The party establishment is looking for any kind of verification or credibility. As we know most of it has been long lost. Losing elections, alienating lawmakes, pissing off activists and trolling twitter is no way to build a winning coalition.

    In the long run this will all seem so laughable. Allison Tant and her cronies including Ulvert will not last per certain defeat in November. At that point more credible leadership will emerge. Just who it is we do not know but rest assure DWS will not be counted on to select the leader again.


  22. First, my apologies to all of those who wish to engage in a polite and education discussion of the excellent post above, but I feel that I must say something since there are certain people who insist on attacking others simply for disagreeing.

    Yellow Dog Democrat you proved my point. Putting former Republicans in positions of power in the party over long time PROVEN progressive Democrats perpetuates and increases the long-term issues that the FDP has had over the past 2 decades, which is why I cannot continue to support the strategy by putting Crist at the top of our ticket and defacto head of the party. As for the rest of my comments, my defense of Susan, myself and others is on point as you stoop to personal attacks and choose to do so from behind a mask. When you can speak out honestly and let us know who you are then we can continue to have a conversation. Until then I will ignore all of your posts and will not respond to your vitriol. I do not deal with trolls. This also applies to #avoteforrichisavoteforscott. RADIO SILENCE IS NOW ON!


  23. Obamacrat · ·

    I understand the frustrations of Democrats who say we constantly lose elections. But that happened for various reasons.

    Right now the Florida Democratic Party has a staff in place that is completely new. Fresh not associated with all the previous losses. We have a chairwoman who is closely connected to the national party chair has done a great job. We have a candidate in Charlie Crist has won multiple times statewide.

    This is not the Democratic Party of 2 or 4 years ago. This is a new party any party that is built to win.


    1. Ask Charlie who would make a better President Hillary or Jeb. My guess is whomever would offer him the Vice Presidency. LOL


  24. Enough with the name-calling from party staffers. We will all eventually be backing the same candidate but the thing is the process that got us here and how inept while being heavy handed the party is.


  25. Bottom line is when Allison Tant became chairwoman she had an opportunity to start fresh with everybody. Instead she’s been petty, vindictive and angry at everyone. She has surrounded herself with yes people, kids who are too niave or green to accomplish anything.


  26. Demodaysi · ·

    Bottom line, the FEA Endorsement will not make that much difference in voter turnout. I have friends who are in the United Teachers Unions in several counties and they tell me teachers have the lowest voter turnout of any group. Other grassroots will look at the candidates’ records and vote accordingly. I think this decision of FEA will give teachers another view of this organization. I’ve heard the remorse of teachers who are afraid charter schools and vouchers will affect them and their tenure. They also know of Crist’s record on education and teacher tenure. Again, its all about the money. and FEA is a cash cow for some of these candidates. They should spend their money on local elections, that actually affect the citizenry.


  27. Tampa Bay Democratic Operative · ·

    The failure of the Party to utilize its elected officials, its activists and its people resources is why many of us are so pissed. The Chair and her minions don’t understand this. They have not attempted to. Ultimately this has to be a bottom up movement to work. Not top down. I support Charlie Crist strongly but TOTALLY GET why many activists are resisting him. It is not right to belittle them for it. The party has to realize they start with zero credit and bad relations around the state. Instead of working through this so we are all together they have chosen to lob rocks at everyone.

    I am a real Charlie Crist supporter. I believe at heart he is a compassionate, considerate man. But those in the D party shilling for him don’t reflect his spirit or that of those who really support him. They simply want power or seek to bully people. It is in itself a very dangerous thing.

    I would STRONGLY urge Governor Crist to avoid the party structure and run his own campaign. The FDP wants control but everything they touch goes south quickly. I will pass my views directly on to him.

    As for creating another blog to each their own. I do not like everything written about Crist here but know Kartik and really respect him- he is a man of STRONG convictions and someone who had been around the block more than once. He wants the party to be successful. So do all of us, regardless of what you choose to say about us.

    As for Justin, he’s a passionate and forceful advocate for his point of view. Maybe over the top sometimes but he is entitled to his opinions and I respect him.

    Guys time to get with the real program…ELECTING DEMOCRATS!


  28. #avoteforrichisavoteforscott · ·

    Without the party leading we are nowhere. The FDP has the state’s best, brightest and most eager minds. All the personal shots at Allison Tant, Christian Ulvert and others on this site hurt our ability to lead.

    A broad coalition of discontent elected officials, angry activists, upset operatives have tapped Kartik Krishnaiyer as their spokesperson to oppose us.

    That is why we are upset. Charlie Crist will win the primary. It is a forgone conclusion. Why fight it? Why not come together now? Talk about unity let us get nan rich and her followers who are dividing us to leave the stage and get moving!


    1. Tampa Bay Democratic Operative · ·

      Nobody takes personal shots at them at all. People talk about performance on the job. That is what is at issue.


      1. #avoteforrichisavoteforscott · ·

        Those make it personal. Our leaders should be exempt from criticism until after the election. Let’s see how it plays out and then voice an opinion. Until then you are just working for Rick Scott if you throw rocks.


      2. Tampa Bay Democratic Operative · ·

        So we should treat them like gods?


    2. Truly pathetic.


  29. So we should kneel and bow to party leadership?


  30. Obamacrat · ·

    The idea of a new blog is to represent the democratic view. This blog despite its claims is not a democratic one but an anti-democratic one.


  31. A voice of reason · ·

    Criticisms of the party are important since they do so much wrong and conduct themselves so arrogantly.

    The party must change. We all support democrats. That is the goal of everyone here with one or two exceptions … THINK! I’m looking at you!


  32. #avoteforrichisavoteforscott · ·

    You either support our party or you do not. Otherwise you cannot be a member of a local DEC or party committee.


    1. Yellow Dog Democrat · ·

      You don’t have to be a member of a local Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) to be an active Democrat and volunteer to work for a candidate on a campaign.

      However you can’t be a member of a Democratic “Caucus” without being a member of a DEC. You can be a member of a Democratic “Club” without being a member of a DEC.

      As far as being a Democrat or DEC member I believe in everyone’s right to fully criticize the inept leadership at the Florida Democratic Party in Tallahassee and even a Caucus or Club if they are not doing their job to support and help ALL Democratic candidates and elected officials..

      That is totally different from a Democrat supporting an individual Democratic candidate in the Primary and supporting the winner of the Democratic Primary.

      All DEC members and Democratic Party Caucus members “SWEAR AN OATH” that is notarized and witnessed that they MUST SUPPORT THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE PERIOD!!

      That’s why it’s OK to support Nan Rich or Charlie Crist in the primary election if that is your wish. However as sworn Democratic members of a DEC or a Caucus we are SWORN BY OATH to support the Democratic candidate winner of the primary election. And if Susan Smith as President and leader of the Florida Democratic Progressive Caucus which is chartered by the Florida Democratic Party cannot support Charlie Crist, because she has said repeatedly that she would not, them the FDP may pull the Charter and disband the Progressive Caucus. Not because they don’t like Susan or the Caucus but because those are the Rules under the By-Laws of the Party weather Susan or the Progressive Caucus likes it or not. That’s what the Caucus signed up for when they asked and were granted permission to be Chartered by the State Party.

      That is also why all the “I’m sitting home if Charlie wins” bashing that has gone on in this blog is so harmful and only helps the Tea Party and Rick Scott’s re-election when all the Nan Rich supporters are vowing to sit home. If Nan Rich really believes that she can beat Charlie and go on then that is her right. But the problem is that there is absolutely no scenario in reality where that is going to happen. And after 20 straight years of Republican rule our state can’t take it anymore.

      I understand Nan Rich supporters can’t stand that Charlie is beating Nan badly in every aspect of the campaign. However the REALITY is this…Charlie Crist is a far better alternative than four more years of Tea Party Rick Scott. And Charlie has clearly and repeatidly denounced The Tea Party, the Republican Party and everything that Rick Scott has done and stands for.

      I’m sorry but that is just the way it is….that’s just politics.


      1. That’s just spin. I hope you are one of Charlie’s well paid operatives because at least someone working for Charlie would be doing something that was worth it. Keep up the good work and you may get a job working for Jeb Bush.


      2. You obviously know nothing about caucuses. We are not required to be DEC members. If you think our caucus is not abiding by the FDP bylaws, please file a complaint.
        Here are the exact words of the loyalty oath.
        I, ____________________________________________, having been duly sworn, say that I am a member of the Democratic Party, that I am a qualified elector of ______________ County, Florida; that during my term of office, I will not support the election of the opponent of any Democratic nominee, I will not oppose the election of any Democratic nominee, nor will I support any non-Democrat against a Democrat in any election other than in judicial races; that I am qualified under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida and the Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party to hold the office I am seeking, or to which I have been elected; that I have not violated any of the laws of the State of Florida relating to election or the Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party.

        I have never said I won’t vote for Crist if he is the nominee. What I’ve said repeatedly is that when people like you bully Nan Rich supporters, you risk depressing turnout because her supporters could very possibly stay home on election day. Crist’s refusal to debate also discourages base Democrats who would like to see the primary process respected.


  33. Excuse the double post. WordPress is playing tricks again.


  34. Married to a Teacher · ·

    Teachers like Gov. Crist for his veto. He is remembered more positively then negatively. I know, I am married to one. Will they vote however?

    Apparently the Florida AFL-CIO likes him too. So does this guy:


  35. floridian · ·

    AFL CIO just followed the FEA and endorsed Crist.

    I appreciate the progressive supporters of Nan but Crist is going to win the nomination.

    Personally I will vote for whomever has a D after their name in November, Rich or Crist. It is time to take back Florida!


  36. It’s a sad election cycle for labor.


  37. Concerned Democrat · ·

    Susan and KK,

    The AFL-CIO endorsement on top of the FEA endorsement are two more clear signs that Democrats want to win and Nan’s campaign has sputtered and come to an end.

    The also powerful Teamsters Union which split from the AFL-CIO is on board with Charlie as well.

    We need every Democrat to come together to beat the evil Tea Party Barron in Rick Scott and that train is leaving the station with Charlie Crist on board

    It would be wonderful, as hard as is to accept, for Nan and her supporters to join together to support Charlie Crist as well .


  38. If Crist wants to win over Nan Rich’s supporters, he has to earn it. He could begin with a debate.


  39. Demodaysi · ·

    So disappointed in these union endorsements. But this is just for the democratic primary. Let’s see who they endorse in the general election. I bet it won’t be Crist. Most union heads are top heavy republican.
