Florida Democrats Rising Stars – Darden Rice


Editor’s Note- Today we begin a series on young Democratic elected officials throughout Florida who are impacting the policy debate in this state and have a long-term future potential. At this time with the Democrats at a low ebb having lost 17 of the last 18 races for statewide office, we are committed to promoting the next wave of leaders in our party – the bench that has not been built by the party but still exists to a certain extent. We start the series with a personal profile of St Petersburg Commissioner Darden Rice written by our good friend Nick Janovsky. 

Darden Rice has a sincere passion for protecting voter rights, advocating for responsible environmental legislation, and championing causes like recycling and she has worked tirelessly for a modern transit system countywide in Pinellas County. Each of these are no small task by themselves. Yet, Darden masterfully manages to make lasting impacts in all these areas and gives her all to the city of St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, and Florida. Darden has grown into a household name in our region and many look to her for leadership and for her innovative ideas to better our region as a whole.

Few people have had a lasting and positive impact on state and federal legislative policy, equality progress and awareness, neighborhoods, and city services like Darden Rice has thus far in her political career. She  has championed many causes and worked for the betterment of Pinellas County over the course of many years, including being the immediate past president of the League of Women Voters and was voted Grand Marshal for St. Pete Pride in 2014. Darden hereself has also mentored over a dozen candidates running for office throughout the Tampa Bay Region over the past decade.

Her impact on the local political community and policy debate has been dramatic. Darden has changed the trajectory of the political climate locally through her work and has had as strong an impact on state and federal policy as any local young Democratic official in the state. To put it simply, she is a star in a party that needs young, fresh faces.

My life has been personally been dedicated to fighting for working families furthering equality and creating better family and working environments for LGBT people. I have testified on local Domestic Partner Registries, self-published a book to help community awareness, and worked to deliver the two above-mentioned successful elections. I continue to admire the positive impacts their votes as elected officials are making in the state of Florida.

Through all of my experiences, both personally and professionally, I have only known a few more committed and dedicated to improving regular people and government service than Darden Rice. She is a star in the Democratic Party here in Pinellas County and statewide in Florida as well.


Nick Janovsky has spent years working in the political arena in advisory and campaign staff roles, organizing to change the balance of Central Florida politics, advised on Statewide interest races and worked on political campaigns in the Midwest in 2004-2006



  1. Sharon Isern · ·

    We need to find these potentially winners among the young and then THE PARTY NEEDS TO SUPPORT THEM.


  2. Democrats in FL need to demand, daily, that their elected representatives in Congress get the Constitutional amendment to reverse the poisonous effect of unlimited anonymous corporate millions flowing into Florida Republican campaigns and other states as well! The Move to Amend effort is seeking just that. Until we get the unaccounted-for contributions of corporations which prepay for the crafting of laws post-election to give them carte-blanche to steamroller over our environment, consumer rights and dozens of other issues in their pay-to-play rigging of our elections, all for their ease in reaping evermore profits–fair and free elections will not happen again! It goes without saying: we must get corporate millions out of our elections!
