Introducing the Crist Files

Beginning today, The Florida Squeeze will be looking at every aspect of former Governor Charlie Crist’s public record in order to better inform Floridians about the potential Democratic Gubernatorial nominee. We have come into possession of significant amounts of documentation related to Crist’s career as Governor, Attorney General and Education Commissioner. As we approach Crist’s inevitable announcement that he is seeking a return to the Governor’s Mansion,  it is our duty to inform Floridians about the choices they have in this upcoming election.

Our Florida Squeeze staff will be taking various aspects of Governor Crist’s record and analyzing them in this series.


  1. Richard Block · ·

    Can you also give us information about Nan Rich so we can make an informed decision in the primary.


  2. Democrats for Change · ·

    Do you guys realize what you are doing? You are hurting the Democrats and the progressive cause . Crist took certain positions because he was forced to by the right wing Republican Party but at heart he has always been a progressive. Without his advocacy of voting rights Barack Obama will not be president today. Everyone has bad votes everybody has said things they regret. Why must Crist be treated unfairly compared to the average citizen? This is about fairness and you are not demonstrating it.


    1. You are right. Him signing off and advocating to move our primary up is the reason our votes didn’t count and Obama is President today.


  3. Do you want to win? Do you really think nan rich an old Jewish woman with very few accomplishments in the legislature can actually win? We need an accomplished vote getter to run statewide. Charlie was always a progressive at heart. The only people having a hard time supporting Crist are those who are losers that like losing. Rick Scott is finished all the polls show that. There is no way he can get reelected if we run Crist. The race is basically over at this point and we will have the governors mansion back something this site always claims we need to do.


    1. Richard Block · ·

      The fact that Nan Rich is old, Jewish, or a woman should not matter. The important thing is can she beat Rick Scott in the general election.


      1. Absolutely.


    2. You have just ruled out half of the South Florida electeds. Do you realize your comment is anti Semitic, ageist and anti woman? No wonder you are with Charlie.


  4. Terry Wilson · ·

    This is just truly a stupid thing to do, hurting those in your own party and risking the next election for governor.


  5. Charlie will carry us to victory. That was clear this weekend at the convention. It is also often forgotten that Obama became president because of his advocacy of longer voting hours. Without Charlie Crist we would not have Pres. Obama.


  6. Blue Dog Dem · ·

    Democrats are showing in this thread how stupid they really are.

    Crist is a total empty suit. An idiot who couldn’t comprehend basic logic on dozens of issues. A moron who needed thing repeated to him dozens of times before he’d understand it.

    A crook whose trail of scandal is longer than the Nile River. I hope this series reveals these scandals.


    1. Richard Block · ·

      If Charlie Crist gets the nomination, will you vote for him or Rick Scott?


      1. No DINOS Dem · ·

        Charlie appointed two of the worst Supreme Court justices. Do
        we really want to risk him appointing more?


      2. Richard Block · ·

        So would you vote for Scott or Crist?


      3. shewolf884 · ·

        Yep, I want to know who you will vote for too. Charlie has always been a RINO, and has proved it over and over. And he is a hell of a politician and the only one that can beat Scott. What else do you need?


      4. Richard Block · ·

        I agree, vote for Charlie Crist.


  7. Great!

    I applaud this. Our party is full of principle less sheep that need to realize what they are following. A scandal plagued long time conservative.


  8. A True Liberal · ·

    We can worry about Rick Scott next year. Now we need to stop our party from being hijacked by a failed Republican longtime officeholder whose ideology was for two decades to polar opposite of ours.


    1. Richard Block · ·

      No, we need to worry about Rick Scott now.


  9. Patti Lynn · ·

    Thank you, Kartik. Also, as Richard Block said, let’s also inform readers about Nan Rich. I am disturbed by some of the comments here…and with some of our long time party activists, too. We have the opportunity, with the backlash against Republicans, to elect a TRUE Democrat…one who has not compromised principles due to “pressure” from ANY wing of her party. NAN RICH FOR GOVERNOR!!


    1. Richard Block · ·

      I met Nan Rich and Charlie Crist this weekend. I like them both. Lets remember that our number one goal is to defeat Rick Scott. We need the most electable candidate.


      1. Yes. Nan Rich.


  10. Florida Democrats · ·

    Well Kartik and Justin, if you ever want to work in this state again you’ll back off unless of course your man Rick Scott get reelected. You see we reward our friends and punish our enemies and once we regain power the jobs will go to those loyal Democrats who fought side by side with us. Those who sided with the Republicans and with this fraud Nan Rich candidacy which is strongly backed by Lenny Curry and the RPOF will be out of work and out of luck. Maybe you guys do not value economic security or party loyalty? But most of us do and Crist is our man, He was never a real Republican, merely someone who was stuck in a party whose values he did not share. He promoted our causes and having him and his veto pen was like having a Democrat in office.

    You still have time to be part of the team. Drop this series and editorialize that Nan Rich is a whiny old windbag that should drop out of this race. Then we can all be friends again.


    1. Crist and “party loyalty” in the same sentence? Is this 1984 speak? I stand with the person who has proven track record of her loyalty and her Democratic values by her votes, her words and her actions for years. Nan Rich. And threatening people who are exercising their free speech and due diligence? Wow. I’m disappointed that anyone in our party would stoop to that. It’s the type of thing I abhor in Republican and Tea party politics.


    2. Ok Christian, or whoever you have hired to troll the blogs to type comments like this, go away. You are destroying the party. Your threats are meaningless…you can’t even keep a little man like Perry Thurston our of a primary so why do you think you can keep Rich down? Oh, and since neither one is being paid by the party now what difference does it make if they have their own opinions. All you are doing is becoming the party of what you accused the R’s of being: sheep.


  11. Progressive Engineer · ·

    I support Substance over style any day.


  12. Florida Democrats · ·

    Guys we need to be like the Republicans to WIN. It is about WINNING not WHINING.

    You Democratic LOSERS like losing because you can get in your circle jerk and whine about it all the time drinking your imported wine and specialty craft beers while the real Florida works hard, drinks a 6 pack of Bud Light and doesn’t drink wine. You people are so disconnected from reality it is sick.

    As someone whose livelihood depends on the success of Democrats I am not going to let a bunch of LOSER WHINY gadflies led by Kartik Krishnaiyer, Justin Snyder and bitter delusional lefty Nan Rich and their ethnic south Florida based allies (none of us are racist but give us a break- we need to run candidates that connect with the majority of voters) ruin my career and destroy our state by reelecting Rick Scott.

    The choice is clear.


    1. Progressive Engineer · ·

      You sound just like a Republican to me… No facts. Just images of you drinking a beer with the guys… Then attacks on those who provide information. You do not know me and have no idea what I drink. Your arguments are hollow and have no substance… I will give you some style points though.


  13. The Kool-Aid is awful strong. Somehow Crist is the tonic for all that ails Florida demos. He walks on water, the savior, the messiah.


  14. You wonder why the Ds always lose Kartik???

    People like you who don’t have an ounce of common sense and want to force the most left-wing candidates down our throats.
    Charlie Crist may have been a Republican at one time in his life but he is now one of us. Even when he was a republican he was more of a Democrat than a Republican.

    He fought the insurance companies he fought for more education funding he fought for increasing teachers salary he vetoed in the dangerous abortion bill. He was always one of us.

    He is a common sense governing dynamo. He was a Republican because of his parents and because of this historical ties. But he always felt like a Democrat which is why he has now joined us.


  15. The thing that you people do not understand is for many of you this is a hobby. But some of us make our living off of this. We have more at stake more skin in the game. We cannot afford to nominate someone as liberal and asked offensive to the majority of voters in this state as Nan Rich. It is not about geography and not about her religion. Is not about her gender. It is about pragmatic politics and reaching out to the voters to try and win an election. In order to win you must get more votes than the other candidate. It’s impossible for Nan Rich to get more votes than Rick Scott. It is also similarly impossible for Rick Scott to get more votes than Charlie Crist. This has to be done down for you idiots who are going to ruin our livelihood our jobs and careers Someone like Kartik should not be allowed to be at any Democratic Party function he should be thrown out at the sight of him because he is working hard to ruin what so Many of us are working to achieve while he sits behind the keyboard and just lots missiles at the best Democrat in the state. If Charlie Crist had not been governor this state would be like Texas or Utah so conservative. Crist was the only thing that stopped the Republican Party in this state from being like the tea party is now he was always a good liberal contrary to the words on this hack site. If you are going to listen to someone who publishes this blog has no skin in the game doesn’t make his living off of this and instead works in the realm of socialism in FOREIGN sports then the hell with you all. As for the other minions who write for this site they are so insignificant they do not even deserve mention.


    1. Patti Lynn · ·

      Wow!!!! First, you don’t have enough “skin’ in the game to use your name, so, that says a lot. What kind of living do YOU make from this election? Who are the:”WE” in “We have more at stake…”; Who are the “WE,” in “We cannot afford to nominate….” I certainly would not like to ruin YOUR livelihood, job, or career, nor those of your unnamed friends, however, YOU, (and your friends), CHOSE whatever livelihood, career, or job that you’re in. MY job is to vote for the candidate that I think aligns with my beliefs and values…and to try and convince others of that candidate’s worth and value. My living conditions, quality of life, and medical care will depend on who gets elected. I think that SENATOR NAN RICH will do more for ME, my family, seniors, children, and the LGBT Community than Charlie. She always has.


  16. I am not going to comment on the hateful rhetoric other than to say my skin in the game is living in Florida since 1979 and caring about the people of the state. My skin in the game is about protecting and promoting progressive values that benefit all the people of the state of Florida not just the political class, lobbyists or partisans in EITHER party.


  17. Progressive Engineer · ·

    @ “Think!” Kartik has actually had some very good analysis on this blog about why Florida Dems have been loosing statewide for the past 20 years. You just have rhetoric. Just as Charlie dominated the polls in the beginning of the Senate Race due to his name recognition he is doing that again. But just as he lost to the Republican in the Senate race, he will do that again if he becomes our nominee. For us to win the Governors race we need a solid Democrat that can prove their Democratic Values to the state. Else the turnout of Democrats will be light just as it has been in the past governors races when Conservative Dems have run.


  18. Grown up in the room · ·

    Hey Florida Democrat. You can not start threatening any of these real journalists. The IG might not be doing much but many are overseeing PBC and the Democrats as well as the Republicans.


  19. Howie King · ·

    Crist is the tool that will help clean up the corruption. No way the Democrats are this stupid.
